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  • 079154851
  • Tocator de carne, storcator, razatoare pentru legume 3in1 Adler AD 4131

    • Producător:Adler
    • Cod produs: AD 4131

    Disponibilitate: 2
    • 2.699 MDL

    Numărul de duze 3
    Accesoriu pentru chiftele Kebbe da
    Duze suplimentare Presa pentru fructe
    Pâlnie de cârnaţi da
    Ușor depozitat da
    Detalii tehnice
    Putere motor 350 W da
    Viteza maximă de centrifugare (rpm) 90-105 r/min
    Dimensiuni și greutate
    Dimensiuni (HxLxD), mm 340 x 195 x 250
    Funcții suplimentare Cutter - feliati castraveti, morcovi, dovlecei, ardei, ceapa, napi, varza rosie, varza alba, mere Razatoare cu gauri grosiere - pentru ras dovlecel, ridichi, morcovi, varza, branzeturi tari si ciocolata Piure pentru răzătoare - măcinați rulou uscat, alune, nuci, migdale, parmezan Storcator lent cu randament mare de suc (extracție de până la 75% din greutate) pentru o nutriție mai deplină
    Storcător pentru roșii, fructe și legume moi da
    Tocator continuu, 4 tamburi da
    Bol mare de umplere da
    Culoarea dispozitivului alb
    Stabilitate ridicată datorită picioarelor de cauciuc da
    Контейнер из нержавеющей стали с поддерживающей ручкой 650 ml
    Максимальная мощность в Вт 2000 W
    Мотор постоянного тока da
    Напряжение в В 220-240
    Насадки в комплекте Discurile din otel inoxidabil de calitate superioara asigura rezultate excelente de procesare. Masina de tocat are trei discuri 3, 5 si 7 mm
    Предохранитель в A Siguranță-ambreiaj mecanic
    Реверс барабана Functie de inversare
    Уровень шума в дБ mașină de tocat carne ~59 dB storcator ~64 dB
    Частота в Гц 50-60

    dler AD 4131 Slow-speed juicer 3in1 - Meat mincer, Juicer, Vegetable grater

    Adler AD 4131 is an innovative and multifunctional slow juicer that brings three different possibilities to your kitchen in one device. Thanks to its versatility, it allows you to prepare a variety of dishes and ensures ease of use. Thanks to its advanced technology, this juicer offers impressive juice extraction levels of up to 75%, meaning you can enjoy a fuller and more nutritious drink. Despite its exceptional performance, the Adler AD 4131 juicer has a compact motor housing, taking up only 15 centimeters of width in your kitchen space. This means you can enjoy all the benefits of juicing without having to take up a lot of counter space. This juicer is equipped with a screw retraction function, which makes it extremely easy to use. In case of any blockage, simply use this function to remove any obstructions and continue the juicing process. Moreover, thanks to its quiet operation, which oscillates around 64 decibels, you can enjoy fresh juice without noise. The Adler AD 4130 juicer is equipped with an efficient DC motor that guarantees efficiency and reliability during juicing. Additionally, anti-slip feet ensure the stability of the device during operation, which increases safety and comfort of use.

    One of the main functions of the Adler AD 4131 is a meat grinder, which is equipped with a strainer number 8. This strainer is available in three different hole sizes: 3mm, 5mm and 7mm. Thanks to this, you have full control over the texturing of the minced meat, which allows you to prepare the dish exactly according to your preferences. Adler AD 4131 also has a vegetable chopper function, which allows you to quickly and conveniently cut, chop or grate various vegetables. It is a perfect tool for preparing salads, casseroles and other dishes that require precise preparation of ingredients.

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    Etichete: Tocator de carne, storcator, razatoare pentru legume 3in1 Adler AD 4131